Kanako Tada
“repeating is love”
15 paintings, 33x33cm, oil on canvas, 2019
In her new painting repeating is love (2019), Kanako Tada embodies the process of repetitive acts that imitate an existing motif. In sequences of fifteen paintings, one can see a continuation of the time, tracing her attempts to deconstruct the form and thus to internalize them into her own. From the whole to the part, from figurative to abstract, an original outline eventually disappears and sublimates into a micro perspective, while two colours are inverted through a metamorphosis of figures. This is not a liner process that ends at one point, but appears as a continuous movement that remains impermanent. The haptic materiality contains great presence; pigments shine on the surface of a roughly woven canvas, making the texture of threads visible. This raises the question: what is a state of perfection; illocutionary smoothness or homogeneity? The installation of the work evokes a viewer’s experience of the physicality of the artist; shifting one’s balance and eye sight downward.
written by Miwa Negoro(curator)